Japan Social Innovation and Investment Foundation ( Social Innovation and Investment Foundation )
By leveraging our unique perspective as a foundation, we can create an action aiming to help build the base for a society in which the resolution of social problems and the creation of value take place autonomously and sustainably.
Working with companies, local governments, NPOs, and educational institutions, research and other organizations, we propose and execute numerous plans and provide assistance aimed at realizing an ecosystem for social and economic resources that transcends the conventional frameworks of self-help, public help and mutual help.
What is the Japan Social Innovation and Investment Foundation (SIIF)?
Impact Economy Lab
Impact Economy Lab
We will be a catalyst for systemic change toward the realization of an impact economy.
Five strategic themes for accomplishing our mission
- Three-dimensional investment structures experiencing global growth Impact investing
- “Impact investing” aims to generate simultaneous social and economic impacts alongside financial returns. The objective of SIIF is to create project models in Japan and to expand the market.
- Presenting new benchmarks for measuring value Social impact measurement/management
- Measurements designed to grasp the qualitative & quantitative social impact generated by projects and activities, and social impact management for the continuation of activities that utilize these measurements to enhance social impacts. We are working on the practice of both in Japan, as well as on knowledge development.
Paradigm shift in the public sector
PFS (pay-for-success) contracts
Social impact bonds (SIB) - Contributes to building reform mechanisms for more results-oriented public services, such as by using contracts in which payments are proportional to successful social outcomes (PFS), and methods for sourcing funding from investors on such occasions (SIB).
Paradigm shift in the public sector
PFS (pay-for-success) contracts
- A new economy supported by the exchange of value other than money Alternatives
- We are working to build mechanisms and project models to express the value in social, natural, cultural, human, and emotional capital in a way that would be difficult using an economic capitalist approach.
- Intentional funding drives innovation Progressive philanthropy
- We will provide backing for philanthropic activities that generate sustainable social impacts, so as to enable the transformative effects of individual donations and charitable activities by private-sector foundations.
Case studies
SIIF and SIIF Impact Capital have jointly established an impact VC fund focused on the wellness sector. Our aim is to bring about positive system change to the soceity, practicing impact investing and IMM. We are committed to sharing our insights, and nurturing and developing talent in this field. -
Impact IPO
Building the movement of impact companies getting listed & listed companies seeking impact -
The Nippon Foundation ‘Social Change Makers’
SIIF is providing both financial and non-financial assistance to the three companies established by the first cohort of graduates from The Nippon Foundation Social Change Makers, sponsored by The Nippon Foundation and by ImpacTech, which is rolling out a startup accelerator program focused on Israel and Asia. -
The “HATARAKU Fund” aims to create diverse ways of working and living, and expand mechanisms to support workers -
Dormant deposit accounts utilization project “Project to support growth of social businesses for revitalizing regions” -
Creates projects that become assets for the various communities working with various local collaborators.
Assists in the generation of social impacts as an intermediary support organization. -
Supporting mother
support projectIn our program for supporting single mothers who start businesses while raising children, we offer a choice of new work styles that are not restricted to a certain time or place. This is a framework for supporting the acquisition of the skills and financing required to start a business. -
Results of survey into consumer awareness of impact investing (level of recognition and interest)
Healthcare New Frontier Fund Impact Report
Social Impact Management Initiative (SIMI) - Utilizing social impact measurement for management -
Initiated the SIB project first-ever for support of giving up smoking in Toyonaka City, Osaka Prefecture
“Health Promotion” SIB, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture
Health Points SIB project using SIB (informal name: Okayama Health Campaign)Japan’s first SIB,in partnership with companies
Supporting the Health Points project (informal name: Okayama Health Campaign) -
“Preventing progression of severe diabetic nephropathy,” Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture
Investment in the “preventing progression of severe diabetic nephropathy” project - support for monitoring, etc. -
“Raising screening rates for bowel cancer,” Hachioji City, Tokyo
An SIB was introduced to fund a promotion that targets residents eligible for bowel cancer screening, with the aim of raising screening rates and precision examination rates. SIIF made an investment in this project. -
Wide-area SIB for “raising screening rates for bowel cancer,” six local municipalities in Hiroshima Prefecture
Investment in a project to “raising screening rates for bowel cancer” - -
Research and development of new mechanisms for resource circulation – “Hallucigenia Lab” -
Practicing population sharing between cities and regions “ADDress” -
Promoting a new, more impact-oriented philanthropy - Conducted research to built models to realize innovative philanthropy
Publication of the "Impact Management Report" by Surala Net
Zebras and Company: Supporting the Zebra Enterprise, Solving Social Problems, and Striving for Sustainable Management -
Developing and supporting social enterprises to solve social issues
An archive of SIIF publications, including various reports, can be found here
Press releases
- Press releases“Report on the Consumer Survey on Impact Investing in Japan 2024” finds impact investment awareness is at an all-time high of 7.7%. Japan’s first quantitative survey to shed light on awareness of impact investing and ethical awareness.
- Press releasesThe total impact finance balance of Japan Impact-driven Finance Initiative by its signatory institutions increased by around 1.7 times, amounting to 17.407 trillion yen.
- Press releasesSIIF signed an agreenment with Impact Capital Limited.,which aims to solve social issues by changing the structure of the industry, to provide them with advisory services.
- Press releasesHataraku Fund, an impact investment fund, receives a GOLD rating for impact measurement and management from BlueMark
- Press releasesPRI (Principles for Responsible Investment) supports private initiatives in regional areas by becoming a member of the supporting organizations of the Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative
- AnnouncementExecutive Director Mr. Aoyagi has been appointed as a member of the selection committee for the “Champion of Change Japan Award 2024”.
- AnnouncementExectutive Director Mitsuaki Aoyagi co-authored a book that is to be published by the Research Institute for Financial Affairs
- AnnouncementManaging Director Nanako Kudo appointed as a temporary member of the Regional Economy and Industry Subcommittee of the Industrial Structure Council, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
- Announcement[Social Impact Day 2024] May 15-17, 2024 All sessions are now published 5 days until the end of early-bird ticket sales (-Monday, April 15)
- Announcement[Social Impact Day 2024] May 15-17, 2024 Tickets are now on sale!

SIIF cooperates with organizations that are involved in the global promotion of impact investing and social impact measurement/management, and in addition to communicating the latest trends in Japan, it works to disseminate leading cases and knowledge from overseas within Japan.