GSG Impact Case studies
Partnering with leaders from the worlds of finance, government, and economics both in Japan and overseasPromoting impact investment research, popularization and awareness raising in Japan
Impact investing

As the secretariat for the GSG Impact JAPAN, the SIIF aims to increase the level of recognition and interest in impact investing in Japan by partnering with a variety of stakeholders to operate and manage events in a range of formats, such as study groups and forums, in order to more widely disseminate knowledge acquired in Japan and overseas.
Joint hosting by the Financial Services Agency and GSG Impact JAPAN of the “Impact Investment Workshop” (planned to be held six times a year)
- Joint hosting by the Financial Services Agency and GSG Impact JAPAN of the “Impact Investment Workshop” (planned to be held six times a year)
A series of Impact Investment Workshops is being held to deepen the understanding of impact investing among financial market participants and administrative authorities, and to discuss the significance of, and issues related to, impact investing activities that seek to resolve social problems both in Japan and overseas.
Report on 6th Impact Investment Workshop
Report on 5th Impact Investment Workshop
Report on 4th Impact Investment Workshop
Report on 3rd Impact Investment Workshop
Impact Investing Forum (held annually)
This forum aims to raise the level of recognition and interest in impact investing in Japan by inviting national and international speakers from among a wide range of stakeholders in such areas as finance, government, and think tanks, as well as business leaders, thus disseminating the latest information on impact investing both in Japan and overseas.
More than 250 participants attended the 2019 Forum, which began with the keynote speech given by the Commissioner of the Financial Services Agency, Toshihide Endo, on “The Potentials Of Innovative Finance In Achieving the SDGs,” which developed into lively discussions.
Report on the holding of the GSG Impact JAPAN “Impact Investing Forum 2019”
GSG Impact JAPAN Meeting (twice yearly)
Board members and sponsors that transcend any single field by being formed from impact investment leaders active in financial institutions and the business, social and other sectors discuss the measures required for the development of impact investing in Japan.
October 14, 2020: Report on the holding of the 17th Meeting