Results of consumer survey on impact investing in Japan Case studies
Research Study on Impact Investing in FY2022
Conducted Japan’s first survey of general consumers’ awareness of and interest in “impact investing”
Impact investing

Continuing from FY 2019, SIIF conducted a survey of the general public’s awareness and interest in “impact investing” as part of its research study in 2022.
・Awareness of the meaning of impact investing in any way exceeded 7% for the first time at 7.1%. Awareness is high among so-called Generation Z and Millennials in their 20s and 30s who have experience investing.
・The purchase interest group accounted for 17.7% of the total. A comparison of interest over time shows that after a period of declining investment interest due to the Corona disaster, interest turned upward in 2022.
・Looking at the reasons for interest in impact investing, the percentage of those who cited “contribution to solving social issues” is a constant across generations. On the other hand, the percentage of those who cited the expectation of investment returns as a reason was higher among younger generations, suggesting that younger generations tend to view impact investing as an investment product.