Dormant deposit accounts utilization project
“Project to support growth of social businesses for revitalizing regions”
Case studies
This project reinvigorates diverse resources that are unused in the regions to form an ecosystem that allows sustainable generation of impacts.We support social businesses in our role as an organization distributing funds in dormant deposit accounts utilization project.
Impact investing

In accordance withthe Dorman Accounts Utilization Bill, a system to utilize deposits, etc. that have not been traded for more than 10 years since January 1, 2009 (dormant deposits, etc.) launched in fiscal 2019 for solving social issues and promoting private public interest activities.
SIIF has been selected as a “Fund Distributing Organization” for FY2019 and FY2020, and has been working on the theme of “Social Business Growth Support Project for Regional Revitalization: Creating an Ecosystem for Impact to be Generated in a sustainable way” in FY2019 and “Solving Regional Issues through Collective Impact” in FY2020. In order to solve the shrinking local communities due to the declining population and aging society, SIIF supports social businesses that will become the core of local communities by reactivating various resources that are not being utilized in the region.
Organizational chart

Implementing organizations
- FY2021
Supporting the Establishment and Operation of Regional Impact Funds Project - FY2020
Collective Impact to Solve Local Issues Project
Two organizations were selected for the “Supporting the Establishment and Operation of Regional Impact Funds Project” for FY2021
This project was open for applications from February through March, 2022, and we received applications from seven organizations. Based on the application guidelines and screening criteria, the screening committee consisting of members from the secretariat and pro-community experts discussed each application, and after rigorous screening processes, the final decision was made by the board of directors of our foundation. This project aims to evolve a financial ecosystem that supports the revitalization of local communities and economies through the establishment of local impact funds. Specifically, the project aims to accelerate the flow of funds to social and local businesses by establishing and operating local impact funds for solving local issues in cooperation with local financial institutions and businesses that have experience in managing investment-type funds. In this project, we will work together with the implementing organizations in the following three areas
・Impactization of Local Financial Institutions
There should be financial institutions that can plan and implement various financial and non-financial support for local companies with the intention of creating impact.
・Structuring of Local Impact Creation
Region’s value axis that is defined in cooperation with regional intermediary support organizations should be clarified, and social impact measurement and management (IMM) should be implemented for the entire region based on this axis.
・Social Local Business’s Self-Sustainability
The invested local companies should be able to receive a variety of financial resources to grow their business and become self-sustainable while creating local impacts.
- Capital Medica Ventures,Co.,Ltd
The company will set up an impact fund to aim at solving issues in Nara and its surrounding areas. The size of the fund is expected to be more than 1 billion yen, and the social return is set to create 30 people who can solve local problems. In addition, the fund will place emphasis on fostering and supporting entrepreneurs through IMM, with the aim of having the fund’s capitalists themselves become practitioners of solving social issues by training as accompanists to entrepreneurs. By practicing IMM, it aims to achieve an economic return of 2-3 times the total amount of the fund’s investment.
■Subsidy amount
60 million yen
■Reasons for selection
The purpose of this project is to realize various methods of investment recovery on the financial level while creating many local problem-solving practitioners through the establishment and operation of an impact fund for solving problems in Nara and its surrounding areas. The project company has experience in the establishment and operation of impact funds and has a deep understanding of impact measurement and management. The company also has a strong potential to collaborate with local financial institutions, and is expected to achieve its objective.Click here for the website of Capital Medica Ventures, Co.,Ltd
- Umusun Lab. Inc.
This company creates a social impact fund that intends to build sustainable businesses that solve social issues through investments in order to achieve the SDGs in Okinawa Prefecture. It provides financial and management support to social entrepreneurs to support their growth. It also aims to build a new ecosystem for supporting and nurturing startups by accepting staff from local financial institutions.
■Subsidy amount
60 million yen
■Reasons for selection
This project aims to create sustainable businesses that contribute to solving social issues by providing opportunities for potential social entrepreneurs to practice through the establishment and operation of a fund in Okinawa Prefecture, where there are numerous social issues. The project partner has an extensive track record in Okinawa Prefecture in the area of supporting social entrepreneurs, as well as a forum for publicizing the results of impact measurement and management. In addition, the strong will of the local financial institutions with which they plan to collaborate, makes it possible to achieve the objectives of the project.
“Collective Impact to Solve Local Issues Project” selected four organizations for FY2020.
We invited applications for this project from January 2021 through February 2021, and received applications from 24 applicant organizations.
Based on the application guidelines and selection criteria, the screening committee consisting of members from the secretariat and outside experts discussed each application and made a final decision at a meeting of the foundation’s board of directors after rigorous screening processes. This project has once again set the challenge of “resolving the decline in vitality in rural and regional communities” against the backdrop of demographic changes such as population decline, falling birthrates, and the aging of society, and aims to demonstrate solutions to social issues through the innovative method of collective impact. For example, we aim to halt the decline in the vitality of local communities by ensuring that businesses that play an important social role in each region, such as medical care, long-term care, and distribution, are maintained in a sustainable manner. The aim of this project is to demonstrate that by working together with multiple companies and organizations to collectively address regional issues in order to maintain and enhance the sustainability of these important social programs for the region, both regional development and contribution to the core business can be realized. After this project is completed, we also expect that the project will be continued by the implementing organizations and that similar projects will be created in other regions (including initial cost-sharing by public institutions, etc.). To this end, we will not only provide support through dormant deposit funds, but will also provide management support to build networks and strengthen the capacity of the organizations responsible for these activities in order to ensure the sustainability of the collective support mechanism for important social projects. In addition, we will work together with the organizations to visualize the results (impact) of activities for “community revitalization” through this project in a form that is easy for everyone to understand, and to establish a function and mechanism to measure the degree to which the results are meaningful to the community.
- General Incorporated Association Eat and Energize the East”.
Eat,and Energize the East. will promote the agriculture, forestry, fisheries, and food industry in the Hamadori region of Fukushima Prefecture which is still in the process of recovery, especially the fishing industry where there are concerns about reputational damage, by creating hero producers and hit products by using its know-how in positive branding and story telling to outweigh the negative effects of reputational damage, by expanding sales channels outside the region, and by creating a community of fans. The project will promote reconstruction by expanding sales channels outside the region and creating a community of fans.
■Subsidy amount
49,875,000 yen
■Reasons for selection
This is an important social issue that aims to revive the production of fisheries in Fukushima Prefecture, which is still in a state of experimental operation 10 years after the Great East Japan Earthquake, and to promote the recovery of food-related industries in the target area while restoring local production for local consumption, in which local food is distributed locally. In addition, since there are aspects of the project that are difficult for the government to address, the project is highly appropriate as a dormant deposit project that addresses issues that are in the narrow focus of the government. This organization has been working on the reconstruction of Tohoku’s food and agriculture industries through a collective approach and has achieved a certain level of success, so although it is a difficult issue, the project is expected to produce positive results.
Click here for the website of “General Incorporated Association: Eat,and Energize the East.
- Non-profit Organization “TMS net
TMS net for comprehensive and continuous provision of medical and welfare services that enable people to live to the end of their lives with peace of mind through coordination of medical treatment functions, sharing of human resources, and joint efficiency of management, etc. It aims to build a system to provide comprehensive and continuous medical and welfare services that enable people to live to the end of their lives with peace of mind.
■Subsidy amount
49,875,000 yen
■Reasons for selection
This organization intends to promote coordination and efficiency of medical and nursing care in the Tajima region, a secondary medical care area, and to establish a regional comprehensive care system based on the “Japan Sea Healthcare Net” which is an advanced case study in Yamagata Prefecture. The establishment of medical and nursing care coordination and community comprehensive care is an important social issue for any region in the future, and it’s deemed to become further important in the midst of the Corona Disaster. The approach of this project to solving these issues is a collective approach, in which local doctors, base hospitals, medical associations, nursing care providers, pharmacies, etc. are linked from the bottom up. This project will be potentially a role model for other regions if it succeeds. - Non-profit Organization “Support for Utilization of Vacant Houses and Land SAGA”
The goal of this project is to utilize vacant houses — which are desired to be solved in terms of disaster prevention, landscape preservation sanitation, and crime prevention — to develop a logistics base, to create an ecosystem to strengthen food support for poor families with children im collaboration with other organizations and to create jobs for low-income families.
■Subsidy amount
47.25 million yen
■Reasons for selection
This organization ambitiously aims to build an eco-system to utilize vacant houses, establish distribution warehouses and delivery centers, build a system to deliver donated goods from companies to households in town, leading to food support for poor families. The problem of vacant houses is becoming more serious in many areas, including from the perspective of landscape and public safety, while the issue of poverty among children, who will be leaders-to-be of our society, persists as an important social issue to be solved. The project is consistent with the NPO’s strengths in the field of vacant house utilization and its collective approach to creating jobs and providing food assistance to needy families in cooperation with other players. - Local Life Design, a non-profit organization*SIIF decided to discontinue this project in March 2023 by mutual consent after discussions with LLD due to the difficulty of ensuring the project’s implementation.
In the Onagawa area, where the population and the number of commercial and industrial businesses have been declining since the Great East Japan Earthquake, SIIF aims to increase employment in the area and create a community where people can continue to live by establishing a comprehensive start-up support system, including investment and financing for new businesses, through the launch of the Onagawa Regional Start-up Consortium.
■Subsidy amount
31.5 million yen
■Reasons for selection
This organization’s project aims to increase employment in the Onagawa area where the population and the number of commercial and industrial businesses have been declining since the Great East Japan Earthquake, , and to create a community where people can continue to live by establishing the Onagawa Regional Start-up Consortium and building a comprehensive start-up support system that includes investment and financing for new businesses. The decline in regional vitality due to decreasing population and industrial hollowing-out is a serious social issue in any region, and this project is in line with basic policy of the dormant deposit system (fostering independent bearers of private sector public interest activities and contributing to the development of an environment in which private sector funds can be raised by the private sector on their own) in the sense that it aims to restore regional vitality by fostering sustainable businesses that solve social issues. This project also has the potential to become a role model for other regions if it succeeds in building start-up support system using a collective approach with companies and organizations in and outside the region.
Related URLs/materials for download (Japanese Only)
- SIIF休眠預金事業インパクトレポート
- SIIF休眠預金事業における公募要領
- 2021 年度:地域インパクトファンド設⽴・運営⽀援事業 採択理由(2022年9⽉13⽇)
- 2021年度:実行団体の公募における申請団体(2022年3月31日時点)
- 2020年度:コレクティブインパクトによる地域課題解決事業 採択理由(2021年5月27日)
- 2020年度:実行団体の公募における申請団体(2021年2月12日時点)
- 2019年度:地域活性化ソーシャルビジネス成長支援事業 採択理由(2020年11月5日時点)
- 2019年度:実行団体の公募における申請団体(2020年8月25日)
- SIIF社会起業家支援(動画)2021
- SIIF社会起業家支援(動画)2020
- 日本民間公益活動連携機構(JANPIA)