SIB project for “raising screening rates for bowel cancer,”
Hachioji City, Tokyo
Case studies

The SIIF was involved at the project as an investor.

PFS/SIB Partnership project with government

An SIB was introduced to fund a promotion that targets City residents eligible for bowel cancer screening, with the aim of raising screening rates and precision examination rates.
The SIIF was involved at the project as an investor.

Overview of project for raising screening rates for bowel cancer and rates for precision examinations

The social problem and its background

Cancer screening based on scientific evidence leads to reduced mortality rates for residents, with the advantages outweighing the disadvantages, for which reason the implementation of screening is recommended as a national policy. Bowel cancer screening is one of those designated for screening, and the city of Hachioji has also implemented a variety of measures to encourage screening, and is working to ensure screening of new candidates as well as those who have continuously been screened. On the other hand, measures to target those who have not undergone screening, or who undergo screening at irregular intervals, have become an outstanding issue. The rate for precision examinations for bowel cancer stands at around 80%, and the gap to the national target of 90% needs to be closed.
It is also the case that mandated/fixed costs for local public agencies are expanding, and there is a need for them to reduce medical costs and to normalize budgets in order to secure sources of revenue and develop other administrative services.

Project name
Raising screening rates for bowel cancer and rates for precision examinations
Project cost (contract costs, etc.)
Project period
Three years, beginning in fiscal 2017
Targeted outcomes
Extending healthy life expectancy for residents through the early discovery and treatment of bowel cancer, and controlling the burden of medical costs for the benefit of both residents and local administration.
Role of SIIF
<As an investor>
Provision of funds

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