Impact Economy Lab
Our Activity
We established Impact Economy Lab in June 2022 aiming to be a catalyst for system change toward materializing the impact economy. We are working to create practical wisdom, communities and movements in collaboration with various stakeholders.

What is the Impact Economy?
Impact economy is the system where the measurement (and management) of social and environmental impact are integrated into all economic activities and located at the center of decision-making in government, business, investment and consumption.
“Impact: Reshaping Capitalism to Drive Real Change,” Sir Ronald Cohen
Impact Economy as the Key to the “New Economy”
We believe that holistic, system thinking and regenerative approaches are key to materializing the Impact Economy.

Team Members

Chief of Impact Economy Lab

Deputy Chief of Impact Economy Lab

Knowledge Development Office

Impact Catalyst

- Impact Economy Lab Chief of Impact Economy Lab Fumi SUGENO
- After graduating from university, I studied in Taiwan and then majored in international development at a graduate school in the United States. As an employee of an international NGO, I was engaged in education and impact evaluation projects in rural areas of China. After returning to Japan, I worked in risk management at a foreign financial institute and then at a think tank, where I was in charge of supporting the launch of impact businesses in emerging countries by Japanese companies, research on impact investment, and ESG research. I joined the Foundation in July 2017 and is a partner in the Hataraku Fund, an impact VC fund, and am leading the transition to an impact economy through the Impact Economy Lab, working with global pioneers and industry organizations, identifying practical knowledge, conducting surveys and research, working with the GSG-NAB and other communities in Japan, and collaborating with government ministries and agencies.
SIIF Official Blog (Japanese Only)
- 分科会活動報告#01 インパクト測定・マネジメント(IMM)分科会〜お悩みから出発して規範づくりを模索中
- 連載 インパクト測定・マネジメント(IMM)のフロンティアの探求#03 IMM“プラクティス”からインパクト“パフォーマンス”へ
- 連載 インパクト測定・マネジメント(IMM)のフロンティアの探求#02
- 連載 インパクト測定・マネジメント(IMM)のフロンティアの探求#01
- 連載 インパクト測定・マネジメント(IMM)のフロンティアの探求#00
- ~金融庁×GSG国内諮問委員会共催第4回「インパクト投資に関する勉強会」トリオドス銀行から学んだこと~
- ファンド組成を通じたインパクト投資の実践とエコシステム構築【前編】
- ファンド組成を通じたインパクト投資の実践とエコシステム構築【後編】

Impact Economy Lab
Knowledge Development Office Satoshi ODA - I started my career in managerial accounting at an iron-steel manufacturer, followed by studying in the US and working with a strategy consultancy as well as a start-up company before joining the Foundation in 2019. As the leader of the research and intelligence team, my most important task is to formalize, structurize and systematize the on-site and tacit knowledge of impact investing and impact management, and to figure out valu-added KFS (key factors for success). My motto in my work is “Inspire, impact and innovate Japan”. I asipire to make Japan a front runner in tackling and solving social issues facing us. I hold an MBA degree and USCPA (Initial Certificate).
SIIF Official Blog (Japanese Only)
- 2022年度 インパクト投資論壇から
- インパクト投資消費者調査のパーソナリティ分析:クラスター分析によるペルソナ像
- インパクト投資としての中小水力発電
- 『インパクト投資消費者意識調査2022』の解説(後編)
- 『インパクト投資消費者意識調査2022』の解説(前編)
- 新しい資本主義での「見えざる手」と「見える手」
- 新しい資本主義、インパクト投資と社会企業
- ヨーロッパでの年金ファンドによるサステイナブル投資と日本への含意
- 個人投資家のすそ野と個人によるインパクト投資を拡大するには
- 2021年度インパクト投資における認知度・関心度調査(前編)
- 上場株式によるインパクト投資
- GIIN アニュアル・インパクト・インベスター・サーベイ
- 2020年度:インパクト投資消費者調査結果発表 ~インパクト投資の認知度は6.1%。関心度は2割程度~【前編】
- 2020年度:インパクト投資消費者調査結果発表 【後編】
- 環境とファイナンスを巡る政策動向と、社会企業への期待
- インパクト投資を増やすため、解決すべき課題
- Revenue-Based Financingとインパクト投資

- Impact Economy Lab Deputy Chief of Impact Economy Lab Michiru TODA
- I have held marketing positions in local Indian companies and foreign consulting firms, and most recently worked on labor policy at an international organization. At the Foundation, I am in charge of systemic change toward a “new economy” through the Impact Economy Lab. I also lead SIB/PFS projects in project structuring, investment, and policy advocacy, provides management-level hands-on support for social entrepreneurs, and conduct research and media relations on impact investment through the GSG-NAB. My research themes include: “People-centered and inclusive society,” “Business and the social contract,” and “Citizenship with multifaceted roles (voter, consumer, worker/producer, and investor). I am a cross-border person between theory and practice, between Japan and global, and between public and private sector, enjoy intergrating real field experience into practical knowledge and passing the baton of human beings to the next generation. I hold a MSc in development studies.
SIIF Official Blog (Japanese Only)

- Business Development Impact Catalyst Kanafumi FURUICHI
- After graduating from university, I was involved in product development at a major manufacturer, and then gained experience in strategic consulting and M&A advisory at a foreign consulting firm. Later on, I engaged in venture investment at an IT company’s corporate venture capital and an independent venture capital firm, and joined our foundation in 2018. I am currently active as a capitalist in the social domain. I supported the launch of the Hataraku Fund (Japan Impact Investment Fund No. 2) and investing in and providing business support to Address Inc. Most recently, I have been serving as the project leader of the Hallucigenia Lab, a seed accelerator program for research and development of new resource circulation systems.
SIIF Official Blog (Japanese Only)
- “心を満たす”完全栄養食。1杯1000円の「味噌汁」が変える予防医療の未来
- “無類の旅好き“が生んだ、地方創生のブースター。 「トラベルオーディオガイド」が塗り替える旅行体験
- 子育てを「誰かに頼って当たり前」に。“切り札”は24時間いつでも相談できる「助産師」
- SIIFインパクト・エコノミー・ラボのカタリストがシステムチェンジを語る
- 軽くて、暖かくて、リーズナブル。しかも「地球に優しい」ってどういうこと? 万能アウターを生んだ“魔法の素材“に迫る。
- 美味しいだけじゃない。22世紀の「食」を見据えた大人気チーズケーキの秘密
- 「オルタナティブな未来」から逆算する。SFプロトタイピングとスペキュラティブデザインの可能性
- 「ディープテック」がつなぐ、テクノロジーとインパクト投資の未来
- インパクト投資は今後どうなる? 未来を描くためのアイデアを集めました。
- 「ハルキゲニアフェス2022」セッションレポート! 地場産業を丸ごとブランド化する「地域メゾン化計画」とは?
- オルタナティブ事業2年間の集大成「ハルキゲニアフェス2022」開催!
- SIIFの社会起業家支援(動画)2021年度
- 地域に課題解決を実現するための社会的投資を根付かせる。SIIF設立以来のパートナー、PSI・野池社長インタビュー
- 持続的な経営で社会課題の解決を目指す“ゼブラ企業”を支援する。SIIFがZebras and Companyに出資
- 地域の生業を継承する「継業バンク」創業者が、「ハルキゲニアラボ」に参加して得たものとは?
- ハルキゲニアラボ最終報告会
- 地方に新しい循環型事業モデルを生み出す「ハルキゲニア」たち
- 多拠点生活が生み出す新しい生き方と社会的価値に投資する