Vision papers in the three areas of “Opportunity Gap,” “Community Revitalization,” and “Health Care,” along with the “VP Log,” guidance for pursuing the essentials of the issues and social change. Press releases

Social Innovation and Investment Foundation (Chair of Executive Committee: Shuichi Ohno, Location: Minato-ku, Tokyo; hereinafter “SIIF”), which has been driving impact investing in Japan and conducting the related studies, has identified the three social issues such as rectification of inequality, regional revitalization and health care as the areas of focus in the next three years and today released “Vision Paper: Opportunity Gap,” “Vision Paper: Regional Activation,” and “Vision Paper: Healthcare” (hereinafter referred to as “Vision Paper”). This Vision Paper outlines the hypotheses of social changes in the future and the SIIF’s vision that it pursues to realize based on the “Issue Structure Map” that SIIF released earlier this year.

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