Press releases News
- Press releasesReport on GSG Impact Investment Meeting coinciding with the G20 Development Working Group Meeting
- Press releasesCurrent State of Social Impact Investment in Japan 2018 is now available
- Press releasesSIIF Becomes Member of GIIN, Which Aims to Expand Scale and Improve Effectiveness of Social Impact Investments
- Press releasesSIIF, Digisearch, and Shizuoka City Sign Agreement on Collaboration for Research on World’s 1st*1 Upside Social Impact Bond
- Press releasesOkayama City, PS Setouchii, Chugoku Bank, SIIF, and Dozen Others Start Reward Point-Based Health Project Utilizing Japan’s Largest Business Collaboration-Type Social Impact Bond(SIB)
- Press releasesSIB Seminar: Future Utilization of Social Impact Bond in Field of Preventive Care for Senior Citizens hosted by METI
- Press releasesThe Global Steering Group for Impact Investment steps up G20 engagement on impact investment
- Press releasesOpen letter to governments of the G20 nations
- Press releasesJapan’s First Wide-Area Cooperation (regional cooperation-Type Social Impact Bond Formulated
- Press releasesHachioji City’s SIB Achieves Interim Performance Goal Towards Increasing Number of Cancer Patients in Early Stage Identified—First Performance-Based Payment Made