Press releases News
- Press releases“Survey on Benefit Corporations” Recommendations on the Japanese version of Benefit Corporation legislation and private sector certification
- Press releasesFoundation for the Advancement of Social Change publishes “Social Impact Evaluation Report” summarizing the post-evaluation of the project to utilize dormant deposits.
- Press releasesThe Foundation for the Advancement of Social Change joined an “Endorsing Member” Impact Startup Association Aiming to realize a sustainable society by recognizing “solving social issues” as an engine for growth.
- Press releasesThe number of signatories to the Japan Impact-driven Financing Initiative have more than doubled in a year to 43, after its launch.
- Press releasesFoundation for the Promotion of Social Change Focuses on Three Areas: ”Opportunity disparity”, “Regional Revitalization”, and “Health Care” December 20th, “Issue Structure Map” was published on Creative Commons.
- Press releasesThrough Foundation for the Advancement of Social Change, the Japan Venture Philanthropy Fund JVPF, to Housing Providing Renovator Inc. for providing housing to those who have difficulty securing housing, and to Kizuki Inc. for providing cram schools to those who have not been attending school.
- Press releasesImpact IPO Practical Implications and Prospects ”Basic Survey for the Realization and Dissemination of Impact IPOs” published
- Press releasesAiming for economic benefits while solving social and environmental issues There is a 7.1% awareness of “impact investing” and a 17.7% level of interest. About 20% affirmation of impact investing by public pensions, corporate pensions, and life insurance companies.
- Press releasesAbout Investment Execution to Ubie Co by Japan Impact Investment No. 2 Fund
- Press releasesSupporting the Formation of Regional Funds Using “Dormant Deposits” for the First Time in Japan. Two actual organizations selected for “Supporting the Establishment and Operation of Local Impact Funds” Providing 60 million yen in grants to each company and providing support for management accompaniment, including social impact assessments.