A new economy that supports the exchange of value other than moneyAlternatives Focus areas
Going forward, we believe that impact investing will need the construction of a new economy (an impact economy) to support sustainable solutions to social problems and create new value, such as by transforming existing financial systems, rebuilding flows of money in order to redefine self-help, public help, and mutual help, and creating new mechanisms for exchanging value. To achieve this, SIIF intends to build a new ecosystem for the circulation of resources, to which end it is creating models and nurturing players. Today, with the limitations of the existing capitalist economy that assumes growth as a precondition becoming apparent, we must change the structure of society and the economy. We invested in ADDress Co., Ltd. not simply as a means of revitalizing regional economies, but because we expect it to play a role as a new community hub that allows required resources, such as “people” and “objects,” to flow to the regions and be conserved there. We are currently working with others to make the social impact of the “related population” visible, and attempting to clarify the positive impact on local communities of connections between individuals. At Hallucigenia Lab, we are taking up the challenge of thinking about and generating new mechanisms for society and the economy. Specifically, while providing support and cooperation for ecosystem players in multiple regions, we are working to develop new projects that will generate a new circulation of resources such as people, objects and money. While boldly introducing advanced concepts such as gift economy theory, community marketing and speculative design, we aim to develop a new methodology for creating regional ecosystems.
Overview of activities
Comments From
Yasufumi Furuichi
Case study
Five strategic themes for accomplishing our mission
Social impact bonds (SIB)